Life in lockdown…

As much as life is really strange being in lockdown for everyone, for me, with no pre-school or any of our usual classes to attend, our Monday-Friday is pretty different to usual right now. As much as i’m excited for Charlie to head back to pre-school, mainly for him as he is missing it so much, i’m also relishing these slow mornings and not having to rush around from place to place. There really are so many benefits to slowing down a bit.

One of the main things that i’m enjoying in these moments is that my husband (Jimmy) isn’t commuting into London so I have the mornings to take some time for myself before he starts work. As someone who really needed to kick start their fitness regime since the new year i’ve been making the most of YouTube and doing yoga classes with Annie Clarke and Barre classes with Psycle London. I’m particularly loving the Barre classes as there aren’t Barre classes to physically attend where I live so it’s been an opportunity to dip into it without any financial investment, and i’m hooked!

On days where I don’t take the boys for a walk (which isn’t many as treasure hunts in the woods have kinda become the focus of our mornings nowadays) i’m also trying to go for a run to get the cardiovascular fitness in and help clear my mind. The thing I love about these runs is that I can venture further than our area so it helps fight that cabin fever feeling, and I also get to see all of the blossom trees in full bloom, one of my absolute favourite times of the year. Here’s a snap of one of the trees I saw on my run this morning.

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