Garden Plan…

We’ve headed down to Pembrokeshire to stay with my in-laws for the month which has been so great for the boys to have a change of scenery, and us to be honest. The temperature is never as hot here as it is back in Leigh so during this heatwave we’ve been able to take the boys out to the beach and it’s not too much for them. I’ve been really lucky to have help with the mundane everyday chores like cooking and washing so I’ve relished getting stuck into some projects in the evenings once the boys are asleep. The first one on my list was to plan the garden (which I fear will have suffered from the lack of watering while we’re away.)

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts we’ve always tried to add a few plants and flowers here and there to the garden and slowly build it up after our budget was obliterated by the cost of removing all the conifers. But I felt like I needed more of a plan. during lockdown I planted some seeds, (of which the Cosmos and the basil were the only really successful ones!) but I feel like I’ve got to know the garden more, which plants do well in which spots, and what sorts of colours we want to try and add in as well as where the sun hits etc.

I’ve always liked the idea of a wild flower garden so plants attractive to bees have always been top of my list. Over the course of last week I drew up a plan of the garden with what plants and flowers we already had growing, and where there were gaps, what we’d like to fill them with. To add to the geekiness I also drew up an Excel spreadsheet and listed each flower, and what to do according to month, like when to sow the seeds, when to acclimatise them to outside, when to deadhead etc etc. Their position on the layout was decided according to whether that flower like full sun, part shade etc.

I feel like now I have the plan I’m excited to get started adding to the garden over the next year so that by next summer it feels a lot fuller and we have flowering plants to give colour and texture from Spring until the Autumn.

Here’s a list of the flowers we’re going to add, some we’ll buy as plants, some start from bulbs and others we’ll sow the seeds starting them indoors and transferring them outdoors when the weather is right. I’d love to know if there’s anything you think we should add!

Cottonus, Hollyhocks, Peonies, Cornflowers, Pom Pom Dahlia, Wisteria, Echinacea, Climbing Clematis, Cosmos, Chamomile, Hydrangea Annabel, David Austin Juliet Rose, Tulips, Cafe Au Lait Dahlias, Icelandic Poppies.

To give you an idea, here’s what we already have:

Scabious, David Austin deep pink rose, Hellebore, Lupin, Magnolia, Poppies, Forget me Not, Foxgloves, Campanula.

I’m also going to attempt to create a vegetable area and grow:

Basil, Parsley, Rosemary, Oregano, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Courgettes, Raspberries & Strawberries (wish me luck!)

Garden Sweet Peas (not from mine, unfortunately!)
